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Women Should Have Equal Rights as Men

This study examined the opinion of a little group of people in Bangkok about gender equality and focus on should women be equal to men or not? From the books and online data, give two aspects of it (women should be equal or not). The information bring from period time and the present time. Moreover, add supporting this research by comparison of equality between law and social values. It shows the one of controversial in everyday society. By objective and subjective questionnaire, everyone give their reason to support what they think about equality and suggest it.

Equality: Should women be equal to men?
Equality basically means access or provision of equal opportunities, where individuals are protected from being discriminated against. Discrimination in equality can occur in race, sex, health, religion, family structure, age, politics, disability, culture, sexual orientation or in terms of believes. And also meaning is the current term for ‘Equal Opportunities’. It is based on the legal obligation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation.

And also in old culture that cultivate for long time, women must only learn about housework and men must only be leader, make money and make fame for family (Ussavech, 1992, p.11, 15). So, from this role show that women and men are inequality entirely. In the present time, there is constitution already. It prescribe that gender is equality. That’s make difference thinking in some women groups that should have equality in action and, women are as capable as men. Then, people should not discriminate because women seem weaker than men and abide the old culture.

In contrast, the action in the past that people did for long time and were changed in nowadays by new generation’s thinking. It still ambiguous in fact, women and men should be equal or not. At first support, arguments in favor of such laws appeal to common sense. The most frequently cited argument is that the laws would promote national unity, which proponents consider all human to be equal. People are all humans with inherent dignity and should all be treated the same. Women and men individuals should most certainly be equal in their rights and opportunities and one gender should not be considered superior over the other as the genders have their certain strengths and it always varies from person to person. Gender does not completely define someone as an individual but also other characteristics such as their sexuality, personality and their own talents. Being the 21st century there is still signs of inequality, with women still being considered not equal to men.

Sexual Objectification is a huge problem evident in advertising, music, films and other kinds of entertainment. Of course the general attitude the woman being the homemaker and stuff, but in Western society this attitude is slowly disappearing. Even though there are still signs of inequality in the workforce, in general social attitudes equality these days is the word on everyone’s lips as women are more and more being regarded as equal to men, as they should be. Even though it is not to say men and women are different physically and mentally in certain aspects their dignity as a human being should be respected, this is also true for transgender individuals who can be marginalized in society as people do not understand that the world is not always black and white with male and females.

In summary every human being should have equal rights and opportunities (“People’s rights in the constitution,” 2002). However, Jacobson (2009) added that after thousands of years of male dominance, people now stand at the beginning of the feminine era, when women will rise to their appropriate prominence, and the entire world will recognize the harmony between man and woman. Contemporary society is just beginning to delve into the true distinctions between men and women. Besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also differences in the way men and women think, speak, and behave. According to the world conference 4th, reports at Beijing (1992), in “Women” topic. They focus on role of women in the world and making the world peaceful. There a lot of women in the world or half of all human.

Women should not only follow men but they should to go on together for progress the future. Although they are different gender doesn’t mean they have to be treated differently. Women can be builders, engineers, painters etc. They are all born and treated equally and that should not change. How come men get paid more than women, how come women never get the same respect as men and how come people assume that women cannot do the same jobs as men (cite in Debate, 2009). Then, women should be equal to men because it can make peace in the world (Phongpanit, 2004). Aside from supporting reasons that women should be equal to men, Adina Gheorghe, of Florida State University, discovered imperative to emphasize the characteristics that make women and men so different. It’s more than obvious that by nature’s default, women and men were given different features. In fact, people are having their own particularities that make each individual unique.

Only known facts so far, but what she need to say is that these natural differences can’t be allowed to be the reason of social discrimination. For example, it’s normal for a woman not to be wanted as a carpenter, as women have less physical strength. But if the woman not only that she proves the opposite, but she also proves to be talented for the job, she cannot see any reason for women not to become a carpenter. This kind of discriminations cannot be allowed when it comes to natural differences between men and women. And the education system is effect to women. it have not become more efficient, providing women the opportunity to learn and specialize in many fields, statistics still say that the number of excellent specialists is smaller for women than for men. But they must ask themselves why this is happening.

Women are still less native gifted. Or the social pressure that does not allow them to express themselves. Or the statistics research has been made by the men who do not wish to lose their supremacy. And even if women have better scores when it comes to school, men are always ranked better and have a higher prestige. For example, a male engineer is often more appreciated than a female engineer (Ussavech, 1992). This is happening because people are guided by stereotype thinking when judging men and women. It’s true that stereotype thinking will always be present and will always make the mass of people an easy target for manipulation (Suwantat, 1992, p. 11). So, work is still discriminating for the two sexes, even if the discrimination is not an official one. For example, if the level of women’s working activity has increased since 1970, they are still the victims of unemployment, of bad jobs, more than men are anyway.

These inequalities are also present in the private life, as women are the victims of a pervert social progress. For example, even if women are more and more independent in their couple life, there are more and more single and divorced women due to that. There are many reasons. One of them could be the fact that working women do not have time for a successful private life (Chris, 2009). Another reason one theorist gives reason why women do not succeed while they are having status and career same men. So, almost expectancy of men in management because when women take a position of leader, they will know their ability and capability are lower. This is gender congruence theory of power by Johnson (Johnson, 1976, Pp. 99 – 110). When a family life having children means it is women’s responsibility. It’s natural of the women who pregnant and take care her children at a later time.

Women also have the strength to do all that housewives do. Because this role has been from the part for long time that women and men are difference physiological, they are difference role too. So, it shows that everything should be base on what it should be (Social learning process in family, 1992, p.11). Dell (2010) stressed there are also men who treat women socially right, but this situation is not quite the happiest, as they somehow forget their manners or act thinking something like: ” If we’re equal and we do our own laundry, why should I hold her coat or open the door for her?!” This is also an abnormal situation. It is inappropriate for a man to do what a girl do normally. He added it is the nature of men to protect women because women are weaker than men since birth. Method

I wrote a questionnaire on a paper, there are six questions: 1. What do you think women and men have equal in the present time? 2. What do you think your sex be disadvantageous opposite sex? 3. What do you think gender inequality has an effect on you and society? 4. What do you think nowadays people have demeanor proper to opposite sex or not? 5. Did you have been taught by your family about demeanor proper to opposite sex or not? Five questions has three answer can choose: Yes, No and Indifferent about it. And the last, it is a question that people have to write down their opinion.

The question is “What do you think women and men should equality? Because? Next step is giving a paper of questionnaire about gender equality for students and working ages of 20 people (10 males, 10 females), (3 span of ages: 18-25, 25-32, 33-40 up). I walked and gave my question on the way at Ekamai because there are many offices and schools. Then, I started to give them in evening. This time is clock off. They ticked the answers they agree and wrote their opinion at the end of the questionnaire that I prepared. Next, I will compile all result of questionnaires and analyze it include results of the books that I chose and to put the results into a chart for understand easily. Result

These eleven references of three books or articles or supporting reasons, seven online books or online articles or online supporting reasons can summarize that women should equal to men for 4 and women should not equal to men for 7.

From above, it is theory results and people’s opinion for long time. So, next it is people results, their opinion, for nowadays.

From Questionnaire form:
1. What do you think women and men have equal in the present time?
2. What do you think your sex be disadvantageous opposite sex?
3. What do you think gender inequality has an effect on you and society?
4. What do you think nowadays people have demeanor proper to opposite sex or not?
5. Did you have been taught by your family about demeanor proper to opposite sex or not?

For Ten Women

For Ten Men

From 6. “What do you think women and men should equality?

The most common reasons that I already summarized.
Women answered “should”: They think women have efficient same as men because both have same education too.

Women answered “should not”: They think men have independence and men can do everything more than women.

Men answered “should”: They focus on law of rights that have to equality in present time. Thus, this chart show that people in nowadays have thinking women should equal to men.


The purpose of this study was to answer controversial opinions in society that women should equal to men or not? I researched from library to find implicated theory, search the internet and made a questionnaire to asking people. However, I found some books that gave me much information and very interesting for example, “although they are different gender doesn’t mean they have to be treated differently. Women can be builders, engineers, painters etc. They are all born and treated equally and that should not change. How come men get paid more than women, how come women never get the same respect as men and how come people assume that women cannot do the same jobs as men (cite in Debate, 2009).” This theory make me have a question that why women cannot do the same job as men.

This research is focus on one controversial but it also told many things more: First, should women be equal to men? Second, how much gender equality has effected to society? Third, how difference of people thinking about equality in present time and period time. In conclusion, the results of this study from the books and online data can tell the information of gender equality in society. Beginning with the basic meaning of it and meaning under the law, it is similar that women and men have equaled. Then, also show social values of people in period time and present time to compare them. Everyone have a reason of themselves.

Almost reasons of someone tell women should equal to men because they want to have peaceful. And for women should not equal to men because they think it is reasonable for women responsibility and ability. However, social values has affected to all of equality for long time. From this references, I made a questionnaire for 6 questions (5 objectives and 1 subjective) and ask 20 people (10 women, 10 men) around Ekami Rd. about social values in present time. For find the result of this study from a little group of people in Bangkok. The results of this study suggest that I have much more to learn about gender equality in Thailand.

Date: Oct 11,2021