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For decades, the French traded with the Indian tribes. This move created a civilized alliance with the Indians so that they could have a new reg...


A superficial world, a superficial society, it is the basic entity that embraced our lives. The media has consumed us, and we acted accordingly ...


Purpose:The purpose of this lab is to test for enzyme activity, look at enzyme specificity, and how temperature affects enzyme activity.


At an estimated cost of £202 million a year the British monarchy is the most expensive in Europe and is more than double the cost of the Dutch m...


In his Democracy in America, Toqueville states that equality of conditions “exercising domination over civil society as much as over the governm...


In this paper I will illustrate the fallowing two points: “why I joined the United States Marine Corps and how as an anti tank guided missileman...

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Irish Dance
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A View From The Bridge

Persuasive- Pro Gay Marriage

The legalization of same-sex marriage benefits both LGBT people and America as a nation. As states progressively begin to legalize same-sex marriage, it’s a convenient time to refocus attention on the many advantages associated with the pursuit and achievement of marriage equality. If same-sex marriages are legalized in Texas, not only will it benefit the state but also it will promote equality and non-discrimination in society, provide economic and business opportunities, and strengthen America’s national identity and international reputation.

Millions of LGBT people contribute daily to American life in a multitude of ways culturally, socially, financially, politically, vocationally, and spiritually. They are vital to this nation’s continued growth and evolution and the U.S.A. would suffer greatly from the extraction of their many contributions. The legalization of same-sex marriage encourages the human right that everyone deserves. This promotion of equality and non-discrimination is extremely important in reducing homophobia and encouraging a minority group in society that has suffered colossal amounts of disgust that nobody deserves.

The marriage and wedding industry is a significant one. “Nearly $260 million was injected into the New York City economy in the year following the legalization of same-sex marriage.” It’s obvious that money-obsessed geezers that are always looking for a way to get more money out of citizens run the government. They’d be absolutely blind and useless not to acknowledge that authorizing same-sex marriages could be a win-win for both them and gay couples. America has historically presented itself as a global leader in matters of freedom and democracy. It’s unfortunate and ironic, however, that back on home soil one particular group of people is consistently denied full access to the “American dream.” The fact that the federal government doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage in a majority of the states has damaged America’s international reputation in relation to LGBT rights. If people would stop discriminating and start embracing this way of life it would play a key role in enhancing America’s international reputation in matters of social justice and in restoring this nation’s integrity as a global leader in the competence of civil and human rights. Also, “Liberty and justice for all” would finally be believable when same-sex couples are granted equal access to laws across the country.

It’s time for things to change and begin to celebrate diversity and difference in our society, rather than continuing to fear or attack it.

Date: May 12,2022